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Airport: Nagoya Chubu Centrair (NGO)


Current local time 22:25:16 Saturday 22.02.2025
Time zone UTC + 09:00
Demand calculation 23:19:59 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 3
IATA Sub-Area Japan and Korea
Country Japan
Continent East Asia
Runway 3,500 m
Airport size Large airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 5
Slot Availability 55%
Min. transfer time 01:15h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions no noise restrictions


2025-01-01 11:03 UTC HexaCargo has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-12-12 14:24 UTC linggok has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-12-11 14:06 UTC Furusato Commute has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-11-19 13:15 UTC Lavender Express has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-11-10 12:23 UTC Furusato Interconnect has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-11-08 23:19 UTC EASY Express Air Systems has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-11-05 07:29 UTC WESTLAKE AIRLINES has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-10-28 20:34 UTC ST Airlines has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-10-25 13:19 UTC Xu Air Nippon have shut down their station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-10-25 09:13 UTC Florence Air has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-10-20 21:13 UTC XINGHUAN GROUP has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-10-19 20:40 UTC Xinghuan Group has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-10-09 17:40 UTC Karachir has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-10-05 15:02 UTC Furusato Connect has opened a new station at Nagoya Chubu Centrair.
2024-10-02 14:01 UTC Kindom Airline, based at Nagoya Chubu Centrair, has ceased operations. All shares have been returned or liquidated.

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There are thousands of airports and hundreds of countries in AirlineSim. Consequently, data are bound to be wrong sometimes. In case you came across any mistake - like wrong values, missing airports or naming errors - please send your findings, your sources and a detailed description of the issue to Thank you very much for your support!


Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
Air Aurelia 14 Departures
Air Germany 6 Departures
Air Le Portage 14 Departures
ALL JAPAN AIRWAYS 434 Departures
Austrian Lines 7 Departures
Blue Mountains 21 Departures
Cargo Sky Express 0 Departures
EASY Express Air Systems 21 Departures
Finnavia 7 Departures
Florence Air 6 Departures
Fly By Airways 35 Departures
Fly Siam 14 Departures
Freedom Express 0 Departures
Furusato Commute 0 Departures
Furusato Connect 231 Departures
Furusato Interconnect 14 Departures
HexaCargo 7 Departures
Hibiscus Airways 77 Departures
iSEE Fly 21 Departures
Japanwings 14 Departures
Karachir 7 Departures
Lily Cargo 7 Departures
Love Paradise 14 Departures
Pacific Aero 14 Departures
Philippine Skies 14 Departures
Philippine Skies Connect 0 Departures
PK Alaska Airlink 7 Departures
PK Global Air Lines 35 Departures
PK Oceanic Airlink 42 Departures
PK Regional Air Lines 0 Departures
Quokka Airways 7 Departures
Rajawali Nusantara 7 Departures
Sakura Wings 56 Departures
Spider Air 112 Departures
ST Airlines 10 Departures
Tabidachi 784 Departures
Trans American Airways 14 Departures
WanderLink 28 Departures
Wanderlust Airways 103 Departures
Xu Air 14 Departures